Earth vs. the Full Monty 7

Chest Units

Steve and Scott Raiche drawing out the chest units from patterns

The chest themselves were pretty basic.  Steve took some basic measurements and we went from there.  It was originally planned that the pieces would overlap at the shoulders with velcro, but it would've looked odd.  

So, we changed them to be one piece with a split up the back where it mostly wouldn't be seen.   The sides would also have velcro closures.  It's just as well we did this, because otherwise it would've made it harder to take them off with the helmets resting on our shoulders.

Original Shoulder gasket design - unused

Another idea we had was to have some sort of flexible gasket for the shoulders.  We couldn't find anything that was suitable, so we settled for wearing long sleeved t-shirts underneath and push the sleeves up to make them look like gasket material (with a little help from grey paint).
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  Leg Bits 

You Can Leave Your Helmet On