Relating the story of the birth of Jesus Christ in a cave, the Gospel of the Holy Twelve says : " And there were in the same cave an ox and a horse and an ass, and a sheep, and beneath the manger was a cat with her little ones, and there were doves also, overhead, and each had its mate after its kind, the male with the female. Thus it came to pass that he was born in the midst of the animals which, through the redemption of man from ignorance and selfishness, he came to redeem from their sufferings, by the manifestation of the sons and the daughters of God." The love of the Master for the animals who had shared His birth-chamber is beautifully portrayed in the following legend: " As Jesus passed through a certain village He saw a crowd of idlers of the baser sort, and they were tormenting a cat which they had found, and shamefully treating it. And Jesus commanded them to desist and began to reason with them, but they would have none of His words, and reviled Him. Then He made a whip of knotted cords and drove them away, saying. This earth, which my Father-Mother made for joy and gladness, ye have made into the lowest hell with your deeds of violence and cruelty. And they fled before His face. But one more vile than the rest returned and defied Him. And Jesus put forth His hand, and the young man's arm withered, and great fear came upon all; and one said, He is a sorcerer. And the next day the mother of the young man came unto Jesus, praying that He would restore the withered arm. And Jesus spake unto them of the law of love, and the unity of all life in the one family of God. And He also said, As ye do in this life to your fellow-creatures, so will it be done to you in the life to come. And the young man believed and confessed his sins, and Jesus stretched forth His hand, and his withered arm became whole even as the other. And the people glorified God who had given such power to man " (xxiv. 1-5). Reading on, we again find Christ protecting an unhappy cat, comforting her loneliness, and providing lovingly for her future. " As Jesus entered a certain village He saw a young cat which had none to care for her, and she was hungry and cried unto Him; and He took her up, and put her inside His garment, and she lay in His bosom. And when He came into the village He set food and drink before the cat, and she ate and drank, and showed thanks unto Him. And He gave her unto one of His disciples who was a widow, whose name was Lorenza, and she took care of her. And some of the people said, This man careth for all creatures . . . are they His brothers and sisters that He should love them ? And He said unto them. Verily these are your fellow-creatures, of the great Household of God; yea, they are your brethren and sisters, having the same breath of life in the Eternal. And whosoever careth for one of the least of these, and giveth it to eat and drink in its need, the same doeth it unto Me ; and whoso willingly suffereth one of these to be in want, and defendeth it not when evilly entreated, suffereth the evil as done unto me; for as ye have done in this life, so shall it be done unto you in the life to come " (xxxiv. 7-10). For the second time in connection with the Cat, the solemn warning is uttered by the Master that all creatures are so closely knitted to Him that our every action towards them is counted as if done unto Himself. The legends are not unduly overlaid with miracle, but describe events we need feel no great difficulty in crediting, and in the simple narration seem to bear the stamp of truth. Christ, having spent a part of his childhood in Egypt, may easily be supposed to have felt a special sympathy for the sacred symbol of his own prototype, Osiris-Horus, and to have been shocked at the spectacle of his countrymen ill-treating the animal he was accustomed to see regarded with so much reverence. " The Gospel of the Holy Twelve." Written down and pub. by the late Rev. G. J. Ouseley. New edition pub. by Edson, Ltd., London, 1923 |
By 'psyche' I mean the individuality, the unique something which comprises you and distinguishes you from every other human being who has existed since the world began, from every other human being in the world today, and from every other human being yet to be born. Personality, individuality, the soul. the psyche -whatever word one uses, it refers to the uniqueness of each human being. We all have something m common with each other; equally, we all have something special to ourselves. This being true of ourselves, on what grounds do we assume a monopoly of it? If the human being has a soul, why should a dog, not less useful, free of many of the vices and defects to which humans are prone, not have a soul also? Or the cat? Or the ape? Or the elephant? If anything survives of human personality, if the Spiritualists are right in their assertion that a 'spirit world' exists, then why should it be 'inhabited' (if that is the word) by semblances, forms or vestigial survivals of former human beings only? Spiritualists, of course, maintain that animals do 'survive' in the spirit world. The concept is difficult to grasp, since they live (as we do) in a physical environment, in a balanced ecology, dependent directly or indirectly upon one another. The apes need their jungle, the birds their trees and bushes, the fish their waters. |
"Other pediatric cases are reported by William Serdahely at the University of Montana. He surveyed pediatricians throughout Montana and surrounding states and asked if they had encountered pediatric NDEs in their practices. He collected four experiences. Pat was interviewed at age 9 concerning his near drowning at age 7. Medical records documented that he lost spontaneous heartbeat and respirations, and cardiac resuscitation was required after he fell off a bridge into the water while fishing. He stated he floated out of his body and 'was up in the clouds'. 'I was a little bit scared. I looked down and saw my body on a stretcher and Jim Perkins (a medic) with his head in his hands. Then, I went into this tunnel. I wanted to go, but Abbie and Andy licked me and nagged me to go back.' Abbie and Andy were his former dog and cat who had died." Dr. Melvin Morse Current Problems in Pediatrics Vol. 24, No. 2, P. 62, Feb. '94 |
"Here, for -the first and only time, the particular manner of how life was imparted was given in the case of Adam. The inspired writer says, 'God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.' As to what methods were used to impart life to the other animals and to Eve we are not informed. But to say that God used one way for lower animals, one for man and one for woman, when all were made of the same chemical constituents, would be contrary to any system of analogy known to reason. Any Bible student knows that there are many things understood which are not expressed throughout the entire Bible, therefore whatever is understood by the words, 'breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul', is implied, though it is not expressed, in the creation of all other forms of animal life. No animal could live without the breath of life, and as the divine writer said nothing about the mariner of its imparted, it must be assumed that God breathed into the animals and woman, the breath of life and they became living souls. Any other assumption would be illogical. In describing
the creation of woman, nothing |
One of the
most remarkable stories of animal survival is the tale of Pete, a mongrel owned by a man named John Simpson who was a Confederate spy during the American Civil War. The couple were found by enemy soldiers, and Simpson was sentenced, to be shot at dawn the next day. He asked for his dog to spend the final night with him, but permission was refused. Indeed, immediately afterwards, and out of earshot, the Union colonel issued an order to kill the dog. It was beaten to death. As Simpson was led out for his execution he asked the escort if Pete was all right. The soldier lied to him, said that he was, and promised to look after the animal. The spy went contentedly to his fate. He was tied to a post and awaiting the gunfire when he looked down at his feet and cried out that Pete had come co see him. '1 knew the old fellow would come to say goodbye,' he exclaimed. The men, who all knew. the truth and could see nothing was there, were bemused and blindfolded Simpson. They assumed that he had simply gone crazy with fear. Then they saw the colonel staring at the same vacant spot, ashen white and clearly also seeing the ghost dog. Unable to order the execution, the colonel stayed the guns and walked away shocked. That night Confederates attacked the camp and the colonel was killed. John Simpson was freed, and apparently argued to the end of his days that he had seen his dog and that Pete's ghost must have retuned from the afterlife to save his master. |
And what of an
animal that lays down its life for its human master? Gary Zuhav asks in The Seat of the Soul. "This is as legitimate a sacrifice of love of life as it is for a human, because in that instance the animal realizes that it is willingly releasing its life. That, for an animal, is graduation to the human experience, or to its next higher level." |
What else can we tell you? Well, we have been asked to talk about our animal friends a little more. It seems that you want to know about their souls and do they advance in any way, in view of the service they give to man and the fine work they do? The wonderful thing about the animal soul is that it is without sin, so their souls have nothing to answer for. You may think, the way some behave, they are full of it but chewed slippers do not constitute sin! And animals are not capable of it. They do not have the instinct that man has for doing evil. They have instinct that tells them what they should do to look after themselves, but not to use against others for their own ends. When wild animals kill others for food they do so for that reason only. Not for gain or exploitation. When a lion has made a kill it can walk through a herd from which it has just taken its prey and they will not run away. They know it will not need food again for a few days so they have nothing to fear. Having been blind I am very interested in the Guide dog. They are wonderful and so are the people who train them. It is a big strain for both sides to achieve what they do. Despite what you may think, it is most unnatural for the dog to do this kind of work and he really is on tender hooks all the time. He understands that he has to look after the blind person but things arc cropping up all the time and he is having to think about them and because it is not natural to him he is afraid he may do the wrong thing. On top of that he has no one, on the spot, to ask. Now most of these dogs are psychic. They can sec and hear us in the spirit world, and the blind person's guide is with them most of the time, so they do receive some help. And the dog really does give over its life to the blind person. Then you have those dogs that work sheep and cows. They work very hard also but it is more natural for them and they love it. They love being involved with the person they are working with and feel the importance of it all. We can go on but we have said enough to answer the question. The soul is without sin and therefore cannot change. It does not need a reward as far as that is concerned, but it docs need all the thanks it can get and love also. This goes for all pets. Love and thanks and they are happy but also links are formed and you will never be parted from them. They will be waiting when you pass over. |
Ken Akehurst (through G.M.
Roberts) Everyone's Guide to the Hereafter 1987 |
While working at the local animal rescue shelter, I was contacted by a woman who had recently adopted two kittens from the center. After telling me she was afraid I might laugh at her question, she asked whether there had been a ginger-colored kitten in the litter with her two kittens. Checking the records, I found that there had been such a kitten in the litter and that it had died. Puzzled, I asked her how she knew. She explained that while watching her kittens playing in the house, she frequently saw a mysterious third kitten playing with them. I corresponded with the woman for some time. As her two kittens grew, so did the phantom kitten. The woman became so used to seeing the kitten she decid- ed to give it a name. When her cats came through |
Sarah L. Smith Cat Fancy Magazine |
When my cat. Pepper, was still an unspayed stray, she had a litter of kittens under my neighbor's house. Two of the five tiny kittens were adopted by a neighbor before I even had a chance to sec them. Of the remaining three kittens, the largest one, a solid black female, became outgoing and people oriented. The other two kittens -- a small, black male and a gray and white female -- were shy, preferring to hide under a bush or behind the woodpile when I brought them their daily meals. In the evenings, however, all three kittens ventured out, following single file behind their mother wherever she went. |
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In addition to the
mother and three kittens, I was also taking care of another stray in the neighborhood at the time an energetic orange tabby I had named Sparky. Sparky had taken to exploring a two-story hotel that was being renovated across the street from where I was living on Maryland's eastern shore. Every night before going to bed, I went out looking for Sparky to give her a nighttime snack. On one of my nightly excursions to find Sparky, Pepper, with her three kittens trailing single file behind her, followed me across the street without my knowing. After feeding Sparky, I headed back across the street to my house. I wasn't aware of any traffic on the normally quiet street that evening, nor did I hear any noise from the cats. But as I crossed the road I noticed a dark shape lying in the middle of the street. Only then did I see Pepper sitting on the sidewalk with two of her kittens, the third one obviously missing. |
As I approached the dark shape, I realized it was the
smallest black kitten, the shy one that was always at the end of the line
as he followed his mother and sisters. My neighbor helped me pick the
kitten up off the street so I could bury his tiny body in my flower
garden. As I dug the grave, I felt saddened that none of the three kittens yet had a name. Believing that no kitten should die without a name to recall its memory, I decided to call him Cupcake. That night as I lay in bed drifting off to sleep, I became aware of the weight of Cupcake's little body curled up on my shoulder. As I whispered his name. he disappeared. I believed he had returned for a brief moment to say, "Thank you." |
Karen Cummings Cat Fancy |