The Path to Forever |
A personal collection of images, ideas and words of comfort for pet lovers. |
If you are grieving over the loss of a pet, or you're just interested in the belief that animals have souls, this site is dedicated to you. |
This website is the final product of a series of creative projects related to the death of one of my cats, Dmitri, in 1992. One of those projects lead to me researching stories of animal's souls, angels and Near Death Experiences. Originally, I'd thought to offer copies of the original documentation I'd gathered to pet grief counselors, but I wasn't sure professionals might view it as useful. Still, I felt that I should somehow share this rather obscure -- knowledge, if you will -- with others. Ultimately, I hope that it might help those seeking reassurance that they will see their loved ones again, on The Other Side. |
So, feel free to wander about the site. I've tried to arrange it in as easy a way to navigate as I can. I hope it gives you comfort. Drop me a line, if you like: I'd love to hear from you. Bruce |
The Original Documentation | The Costume Project | Dmitri's Scrapbook |
Documentation (More to come) |
Links |
Pages (Observations and editorializing) |
This site was created by Bruce Mai and Max --- Purricoon's Rufus Maximillian (With occasional supervision from Merlin -- the black cat butt on Bruce's shoulders that you can't see well in this picture.) Both of my partners have crossed over now. Max was diagnosed with a malignant histiocytosis sarcoma shortly after we began working on this site together. He was set free to follow The Path to Forever in September of 2003. My online journal documents the last few months fighting this awful disease. Merlin succumbed to symptoms of age, and was helped to cross over at the ripe old age of 17 in October of 2007. |
Purricoon's Rufus
Maximillian We miss you, Baby