The Self-Indulgent Editorial Pages


What's new:

After quite a long absence, I'm back to adding material I've been sitting on.   Right now, I'm mostly concentrating on getting my journal up to date.  I suspect it won't be of  interest to most people, but it's more about my getting stuff off my chest at the time.  I had all these entries in hand-written notes sitting around for a couple of  years, and I only recently transcribed them so that I could load them onto the site.   

It's a slow process; not only are there the notes, but I have to put in the links and then put those on the Links page, too.  I have added some other links for financial assistance for veterinary bills for people who otherwise would have difficulty paying vet bills. 


Checking in:
I've put off adding new stuff to the site for quite some time.  Time I got back to it.  I made a token effort by at least putting a new entry in the blog.  This is just a quick reflection on the anniversary of having another of our cats, Skywise, put down, at what should have been a more happy time.

I've only gotten started, but it at least has a few to start

An online journal of events that help shape this website.  I've recently added some more entries, including some more of our experiences with Max's cancer.

The Rest of the Blather

The Intro

Notes on the documentation

More to come

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