The "Self-Indulgent"
section will eventually become a series of links to things not directly
related to the documentation and research. That's because the
purpose of this site is not only to provide words of comfort to visitors: It's also for finally organizing and working
through all
the contemplations I've had over the years on animal immortality and the Afterlife in general. Feel free to ignore
these pages if you don't want to
read my opinions and stuff. My hope is, though, that folks may find
I reflect some of their own private
Anyway, with luck, this will show you where I'm coming from and why I
decided to create the website. I've been working on it for so
long, and there's still so much yet to do, that I just decided to throw up
the bare bones of what I have so far, to keep myself
motivated. Just like this introduction, this area will be
constantly revised and re-written until I get it the way I intended it.
This section will be for sharing some anecdotes,
information and experiences I've gathered along the way while working on
the original documentation and then the website. Any announcements about
changes to the site will be here. With luck, I'll be getting visitor
feedback. I might like to share what visitors have said that expands
my own perceptions and gives me new insight.