One of his toys we could have
fun with were catnip-filled ones made from felt that came in packages of
Tender Vittles. They were shaped like fish or frogs. When he
played with one of these toys, he'd sometimes loft them several feet up and
Sometimes, we could sit on the bed and toss the "flat fish" away and Dmitri would fetch it. He might do this 6 or 8 times before he'd get tired of the game. |
His most favorite toy was probably this airplane canopy bubble we had. He loved to climb in it, be played with in it, and sometimes sleep in it. Once we were trying to show my folks, but all he'd do is stand with his from feet on the edge lip. Mom tried to encourage him to get in, talking to him in "baby-talk". 'Mitri just stood there and stared at her, as if to say, "What the hell is your problem?!". It was so funny. |
When Merlin was adopted, Dmitri acted a bit distant. He became the "middle child", and probably was jealous that the new kitten was getting more attention. He suddenly behaved more "grown up" and didn't' like Merlin much. He wouldn't stand for being pestered like he had Sky. Over time though, Merlin re-awakened some of 'Mitri's playfulness. But he would only play with Merlin on his terms. |
A game they played together
was "Drag The String". They would take turns running with
the end of a piece of cord in their mouths, while the other cat would
chase the opposite end. They would also wrestle and chase each
At some time, we had set out a folding metal chair for guests in our living room. Dmitri appropriated it as a good place to nap. It also served as his "Base" or "King's X" to leap up on when he tired of being bothered or playing chase games with Merlin. Having the "high ground, he would bat at Merlin until he went away. So, we just left the chair there. It had become 'Mitri's chair. |
When we would let the cats
out in the backyard for some exercise, Dmitri would always take time to
rub against our legs and meow what could only have been "thank
He "hated" birds and squirrels. He would sit at a window, sometimes only inches away from them, frown, and "chatter" as some cats do. He had not learned this behavior from another cat - he just started doing it on his own. |
Nora believed Dmitri was
the only one of our cats who, under other circumstances, might survive
For whatever reason, Dmitri was the only cat that would pee outdoors (at least, until Merlin came along) - but only in one spot, next to the back of the house. It was a game of "one-upmanship" between him and a neighborhood cat we nicknamed "Mr. Casual". |