Ready to pounce

After we married and moved in together, we knew Skywise would get lonely by himself in our apartment, having been separated from his housemates when Nora was sharing a place with a friend.  We wanted to get him a companion, and felt a kitten was best.  As it happened, one of her bosses had taken in a stray mother cat with kittens that were about ready to be separated from her.  Since this was supposed to be "my" cat, I made the decision as to which kitten we took.  I chose a mostly white one, with two grayish-black spots on its head and a gray-black tail.  It was a good contrast to Sky's all-black coat of fur.  

We didn't know the kitten's gender at the time, but thought it was a female.  We were going to name it "Zoe", which happened to be her boss's daughter's name, because it sounded pretty.  When we took it to the vet, we learned "she" was a "he".  After much deliberation, I named him Dmitri.


The Cutest Kitten!

Dmitri was an exceptionally cute kitten.


Gor in there himself

Cute kittens make you 
want to cuddle them.

Ultimate cuteness in a basket


Exploring the world - it's a camera strap

Being a kitten, however, he was full of excess energy.  Dmitri soon decided he didn't like being held much, and would wriggle around a lot.

This led to my nicknaming him "the Worm", "Mitri-worm", "The Wormy Kitten" and "Wormy".  We also called him "Worm-butt", which amused our friends no end.

Smells like Mom!

Like any young  kitten,
Dmitri liked to play.

 Gimme that!

Missed it!
He liked to grab visitors' shoelaces and try to run off with them, tugging very determinedly.


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