The funniest habit he had when he was young was when he liked to root around our piles of dirty clothes. He'd grab someone's underwear - usually Nora's- and run off down the apartment hallway or under the bed. We had Mom and Dad over for dinner once, and I was explaining his "trick" to them, when he appeared in the hallway, as if on cue, with her underwear in his mouth. I chased him down before they ever saw him! |
Snuggling with Skywise |
Dmitri grew into a very
pretty white cat. He was cute, and he knew it. |
"Mixed Breed" though he was, we discovered his markings closely resembled those of the Turkish Van, surprisingly. They have a white body, a pink nose, pink ear interiors, pink-rimmed eyes, a neck ruff, the darker-colored tail, and 2 marks on the head. He also had the pink paw pads. |
He still looked like a kitten, even though he "grew up". He was dubbed more nicknames like "Mr. Pink Nose", "Mr. Kitten" and "Mr. Kitten-Worm", depending on our mood. |
His fur was cotton candy fluffy, and he tended to shed a lot. |
When we moved to our house, we were always finding clumps of Dmitri's fur -- in the living room in particular. This prompted Nora to remark on these occasions that a kitten must've exploded. I called the clumps "kitten bits". |
Most of all, there was that
tail. It was large and fluffy, and he didn't like anyone touching
it. Because it was such a contrast to the rest of his body
color, we joked that he must've stolen it from another cat.
With a flick, he could shake his tail from dishevelment to immaculate. Nora called him "Plume-butt" on occasion. His tail would flick when he was irritated, too. |
Once Dmitri became a juvenile, we noticed he was more intelligent than some cats. More of his personality emerged. One of his more memorable traits was his lack of "humor". It colored a lot of his reactions, and we would often tease him because of it. When something displeased him, he would fix a look that could only be described as a "frown". |
He hated being the target of jokes. He always looked offended when I would sing the words "Cat Butt Pizza" (to the song 'Cat Scratch Fever') as he was grooming himself around "delicate areas". He hated being held and photographed (like below). | |
Frown! |