"La Mariacha"

The female version of the traditional traje contains all the same elements with the substitution of a full-length, straight skirt for pants. 
The pictures below show both decorative variations.

traje de gala

Traje de Charro
Two piece, one color

traje graceado
Traje Greceado
note bi-color skirt & sombrero

Mariachi Mujeres 2000

Large bows or bunches of silk flowers are worn on the back of the head, while the hair is drawn back away from the face.
Mariachi Mujeres 2000
- "MM2K"
Some well-known performers in their Mariachi traje.
Laura Sobrino

Laura Sobrino, musical director of
Mariachi Reynas de Los Angeles

Linda Ronstadt
Linda Ronstadt

Placido Domingo


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