"La Mariacha"

Botonadura sets come with a varied amount of chain-linked buttons and a larger, matching clasp for the jacket.  The number of buttons down the side of your pants (or skirt) is determined by how many you can afford, find, or fit down the length of your leg.
I was fortunate and was able to find a merchant at a local Hispanic Festival that actually had a set available.  He was gratified that I recognized them for what they were.  I was able to fit 23 sets of buttons down each side of my skirt, reserving 3 sets for each sleeve of my jacket.
Here you see two examples of placement, these are from a local group I photographed at the Folkfest.



The full bow tie is usually pre-tied and worn on a band, there are several variations (shown below) depending on how elaborate the individual's taste.


ties ties

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