How I Built Fred

Part 7

The Gun Arm

Version I gun arm ball and socket bits

Version I gun arm ball and socket bits assembled

Version I gun arm

Version II's gun was constructed by my friend, Tim, and looked much nicer, even if it wasn't exactly accurate to actual Daleks. I think he made it out of a tube, some film canister and wire hangers.

Version I's gun assembly was another piece of the pipe I used for the eyestalk, some plumbing fittings, and some lengths of hanger wire.






The Claw Arm

Arm and ball and socket bits

The principle of the claw opening and closing is like the grippers used to get things off shelves. The spring kept the claws in an open position, until tension drew them together.

The arm and claw was made from various-fashioned bits of metal, PVC pipe, small diameter pipe, & aluminum channel.

Claw bits

Close up of claw  

Version I's claw arm didn't really telescope. Version II's had the proper two-piece assembly that allowed it to extend pretty far.

 Interior view of the ball and socket assemby in place
Finished interior showing both arm mechanisms, with speaker mounted and speaker mesh in place.

The claws themselves were made of wood.

I preferred the claw that the movie Daleks had to the suction cups, because it would allow me to use it to interact more with fans

.Fully extendable Version II arm
Version II's arm extended.


The "Eye" and "Ears"
The eyeball for Version I was a kid's drinking cup.

Version I head complete






With Version II, I got lucky -- I had a friend in England at one time who knew people who owned original Daleks and made reproductions. He cast an actual-sized eyeball with the correct shape for me, out of fiberglas. It is larger than my original, and has a flanged edge.



Converted eye on left, original cup on right

Version II eyeball from side

Version II eyetalk and eyeball mounted

Version I ear

Version II ear

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