Cancer Links

Vaccine-Associated Sarcoma information

This site has a good page of Q & As by a veterinarian regarding Fibrosarcomas in cats and what to expect.
Possibly the best resource on the Net regarding Feline Fibrosarcomas.  It's a work of total dedication, in loving memory of the owner's cat Sylvia, who has gone on.

VAS Support Mailing List
You don't have to feel alone in trying to deal with this disease.  Meet others who are going through the same thing, and have organized an extensive knowledge base to peruse.

Alternative Medicines for Cancer

Derived from the Aloe plant, purported to help kill cancer cells.

CAS Options
Derived from a variety of mushrooms, this supports the immune system.

Hoxey Boneset
A formula that promotes starving tumors of the netrients they need to grow.

Originally used for treating malaria, this has been given a lot of attention for its cancer-fighting properties

Also known as
palladium, it's been used as an alternative to chemotherapy and as an adjunct cancer treatment.